数联阁 >风水知识

火灾发生时的应急用语 英语版

  装弹专家邓总0w d0jinvyu,


  那场火灾发生在半夜里   The fire broke out in the middle of the night.   那场火灾发生在半夜里   The fire broke out in the middle of the night.!厂房大门风水的禁忌与破解


  There was a big fire in one office building in our neighborhood at about nine4 o’clock last night. Many firemen and fire engines came. In the beginning, we saw flames with thick black smoke coming out from the sixth floor; and we also heard the explosion of the gas tank mixed with the noisy sounds from shattering windows. Soon the fire spread one by one to the floors above, and finally reach the top floor. Some aluminum window frames and some brick walls meted and collapsed from the heat. Many people like myself stood outside on the streets watching the fire in horror as we heard the sirens and gas explosions. Luckily there was no one in that office building when the fire broke out. The fire-men were unable to control the fire until the top floor was burned out; it took about one and a half hours for the firemen to put out the big fire. The next morning newspapers carried the story and pictures of the fire.,厂房风水怎么看?大师来支招

求两篇《My best friend 》 《如何预防校园火灾的发生》的150字的英语作文两篇

  My Best Friend   Hello, everyone! My name is Xing Xiaoqing. You can call me Cherry.   I’m   in Class 0506. Li Nan is my best friend. She’s thirteen years old. Her   birthday is on 3rd October and she was born in Shen Zhen. She lives with   her family in Haimen. She’s 1.60 metres tall. She has black hair and   she wears glasses. She is very lovely and pretty.   She likes eating dumplings, chocolates, peanuts and vegetables. She dislikes pork, sweets and green tea.   She   loves listening to music. She has lots of CDs. She likes reading and   writing. She is the newest member of the Maths Club. She has many   hobbies, such as dancing, running and playing computer games. Her   favorite hobby is drawing, because she likes all the different colors.   It is fun to look at the pictures when she finishes drawing them. The   Dragon Boat Festival is her favorite day. She wants to be a doctor when   she grows up.   We always have fun. We sit under the trees at lunchtime   and have a good chat. Sometimes, we buy snacks from the tuck shop. On   Sunday, we usually go to the bookshop. We often study together.   My best friend is really great!   如何预防校园火灾的发生   Fire Prevention on Campus   People are alarmed by   the succession of campus fires in recent years. In each of these   accidents, heavy casualties were reported – houses were burned down,   students lost their lives, and properties were damaged. Faced with such a   chilling fact, people keep asking, “What on earth results in these   repeated tragedies?”   A brief survey of them reveals that human   factors still prove to be the leading causes. For example, three of   these fires were caused by the students’ use of electric water-heaters.   As students often leave the heaters unattended, the risks are rather   high should the water in the bottle boil dry while no one is around to   turn off the power. In other cases, fires were also caused by stoves,   candles, cigarette butts, etc   Since most of these disasters   could have been prevented if proper precautions had been taken, students   should be better educated on the importance and measures of fire   control. The following three reminders are of particular importance for   us students: First, learn how to use a fire extinguisher. Second,   double-check candles, heaters, stoves and other electric appliances, and   make sure there are no open flames before leaving rooms. Lastly, do not   smoke in the dorm.!厂房风水要注意的禁忌


  国家标准的火灾统计规定中。把引起火灾的原因归为以下十类:   1 放火   2 违反电器安装安全规定   3、违反电器使用安全规定   4!违反安7180全操作规定   5、吸烟   6 生活用火不慎   7,玩火   8,自燃   9?自然灾害   10 其他!酒吧如何布局?酒吧装修布局风水




  给你一些句子吧 ①If a fire starts in your home,remember your escape plan and leave as quickly as possible.   ②Being near the ground makes it easier to breathe.   ③Look out and try to see the fire,stop immediately. Drop to the ground and roll.   ④Call the fire department from qutside and wait for help to arrive.   ①如果在您的家发生火灾、请记住您的逃生计划并且离开尽快!   ②靠着地面呼吸会变得更轻松?   ③注意尝试看见火势,立即停止?躺到地面上打滚.   ④在外面打电话给消防部门并等待救援的到来? 酒吧装修的重点有哪些?酒吧风水要点介绍


  2710要有人现场查看,不能保证100%火灾!也有误报的几率的 如果发生火灾的英语如何规划公司前台风水更好?前台的风水格局


  火灾逃生:绝 你想不到的火灾逃生方法   警告:千万不要看第“十三诀”   第一诀:熟悉环境,暗记出口,   当你处在陌生的环境时?为了自身安全 务必留心疏0779散通道、安全出口3131及楼梯方位等,以便关键时候能尽快逃离现场,请记住:在安全无事时,一定要居安思危!给自己预留一条通路   第二诀:通道出口,畅通无阻,   楼梯?通道、安全出口等是火灾发生时最重要的逃生之路?应7008保证畅通无阻、切不可堆放杂物或设闸上锁,以便紧急时能安全迅速地通过!请记住:自断后路,必死无疑?   第三诀:扑灭小火 惠及他人    当发生火灾时?如果发现火势并不大,且尚未对人造成很大威胁时 当周围有足够的消防器材!如灭火器。消防栓等?应奋力将小火控制,扑灭 千万不要惊慌失措地乱叫乱窜!置小火于不顾而酿成大灾、请记住:争分夺秒?扑灭“初期火灾”。   第四诀:保持镇静?明辨方向 迅速撤离!   突遇火灾。面对浓烟和烈火?首先要强令自己保持镇静!迅速判断危险地点和安全地点?决定逃生的办法,尽快撤离险地!千万不要盲目地跟从人流和相互拥挤、乱冲乱窜?撤离0095时要注意,朝明亮处或外面空旷地方跑!要尽量往楼层下面跑!若通道7765已被烟火封阻?则应背向烟火方向离开!通过阳台,气窗?天台等往室外逃生? 请记住:人只有沉着镇静?才能想出好办法!   第五诀:不入险地!不贪财物,   身处险境!应尽快撤离,不要因害羞或顾及贵重物品,而把逃生时间浪费在寻找,搬离贵重物品上,已经逃离险境的人员、切莫重返险地,自投罗网 请记住:留得青山在?不怕没柴烧,   第六诀:简易防护?蒙鼻匍匐?   逃生时经过充满烟雾的路线?要防止烟雾中毒,预防窒息?为了防止火场浓烟呛入 可采用毛巾,口罩蒙鼻!匍匐撤离的办法 烟气较空2764气轻而飘于上部、贴近地面撤离是避免烟气吸入?滤去毒气的最佳方法。穿过烟火封锁区?应配戴防毒面具,头盔。阻燃隔热服等护具。如果没有这些护具!那么可向头部,身上浇冷水或用湿毛巾!湿棉被?湿毯子等将头 身裹好?再冲出去、请记住:多件防护工具在手?总比赤手空拳好,   第七诀:善用通道、莫入电梯,   按规范标准设计建造的建筑物 都会有两条以上逃生楼梯、通道或安全出日!发生火灾时。要根据情况选择进入相对较为安全的楼梯通道 除可以利用楼梯外,还可以利用建筑物的阳台?窗台,天面屋顶等攀到周围的安全地点沿着落水管 避雷线等建筑结构中凸出物滑下楼也可脱险!在高层建筑中,电梯的供电系统在火灾时随时会断电或因热的作用电梯变形而使人被困在电梯内同时由于电梯井犹如贯通的烟囱般直通各楼层!何毒的烟雾直接威胁被困人员的生命 请记住:逃生的时候?乘电梯极危险,   第八诀:缓降逃生?滑绳自救、   高层?多层公共建筑内一般都设有高空缓降器或救生绳 人员可以通过这些设施安全地离开危险的楼层?如果没有这些专门设施,而安全通道又已被堵 救援人员不能及时6219赶到的情况下、你可以迅速利用身边的绳索或床单 窗帘。衣服等自制简易救生绳?并用水打湿从窗台4191或阳台沿绳缓滑到下面楼层或地面 安全逃生!请记住:胆大心细,救4951命绳就在身边。   第九诀:避难场所 固守待援?   假如用手摸房门已感到烫手?此时一旦开门!火焰与浓烟势必迎面扑来!逃生通道被切断且短时间内无人救援!这时候。可采取创造避难场所?固守待援的办法?首先应关紧迎火的门窗 打开背火的门窗,用湿毛巾一湿布塞堵门缝或用水浸湿棉被蒙上问窗然后不停用水淋透房间 !防止烟火渗入,固守在房内 直到救援人员到达,请记住:坚盾何惧利矛、   第十诀:缓晃轻抛,寻求援助,   被烟火围困暂时无法逃离的人员?应尽4251量呆在阳台?窗口等易于被人发现和能避免烟火近身的地方、在白天、可以向窗外晃动鲜艳衣物?或外抛轻型晃2859眼的东西。在晚上即可以8523用手电筒不停地在窗口闪动或者敲击东西,及时发出有效2925的求救信号?引起救援者的注意?请记住:充分暴露自己!才能争取有效拯1464救自己!   第十一诀:火已及身 切勿惊跑?   火场上的人如果发现身上着了火、千万不可惊跑或用手拍打 当身上衣服着火时、应赶紧设法脱掉衣服或就地打滚。压灭火苗?能及时跳进水中或让人向身上浇水,喷灭火剂就更有效了。请记住:就地打滚虽狼狈!烈火焚身可免除,   第十二诀:跳楼有术,虽损求生?   跳楼逃生、也是一个逃2379生办法、但应该注意的是:只有消防队员准备好救生气垫并指挥跳楼时或楼层不高(一般4层以下)!非跳楼即烧死的情况下,才采取8154跳楼的方法,跳楼也要讲技巧。跳楼时应尽量往救生气垫中部跳或选择有水池!软雨篷、草地等方向跳、如有可能!要尽量抱些棉被?沙发垫等松软物品或打开大雨伞跳下!以减缓冲击力?如果徒手跳楼一定要扒窗台或阳台使使身体自然下垂跳下?以尽量降低垂直距离,落地前要双手抱紧头部身体弯曲卷成一团!以减少伤害?请记住:跳楼不等于自杀,关键是要有办法,   第十三诀:拥用小超人逃生装备,这个才是火7000灾逃生目前最有效的方法!、店铺风水布局要点有哪些?店铺布局的要点介绍


  发生火灾时逃生自救的办法:   1 千万不要从窗口往下跳?如果9364楼层不高!可用绳子从窗口降到安全地区!   2?当发现楼内失火时,切忌慌张!乱跑,要冷静地探时着火方位?确定风向,并在火势未蔓延前。朝逆风方向快速离开火灾区域!   3!起火时 如果楼道被烟火封死 应该立即关闭房门和室内通风孔!防止进烟,随后用湿毛巾堵住口鼻 防止吸入热烟和有毒气体!并将向上的衣服浇湿!以免引火烧身。如果楼道中只有烟没有火 可在头上套一个较大的透明塑料袋 防止烟气刺激眼睛和吸入呼吸道。逃离烟火区!   4!发生火灾时?不能乘电梯!因为电梯随时可能发生故障或被火烧坏、设法通知消防人员前来营救?要俯身呼救!如喊声听不见!可以用手电筒照射,或挥动鲜艳的衣衫 毛巾8277及往楼下扔东西等方法引起营救人员注意,   5?防止火势蔓延 把门关上?可以防止火势蔓延。如果有可能有条件的话。将门淋水,做一些防护隔热的措施!   6。关闭煤气并致电求助,火灾中极易引起煤气爆炸。所以、在发生火灾时,应该立即切断煤气总开关!并致电相关部门?如果你家是液化气罐?应该关闭总阀门?并尽可能的远离火源!火场。   !公司生意不好原因分析!公司前台风水好吗?


